Red Ensign Standard #45

Welcome to the Red Ensign Standard! This is a compilation of links from bloggers who are a part of the Red Ensign Brigade. I have perused all the blogs on the blogroll and selected some posts to highlight what our group has been talking about recently. Keep this in mind as you read the Standard and click those links: this is only a sampling of what you'll find with the Red Ensign Brigade. We are a group of bloggers that come from all over the place, bound together by a longing to see Canada take the lead on the important issues of our day, and to see Canadians building up the foundation that was left to us by our history. We post on a variety of subjects, and we each have own own distinct style. The Red Ensign flag represents a great deal to us, and if you asked each of us, you would most certainly get a mosaic of answers. It may sound cliched, but for me this flag symbolizes the True North Strong and Free, and it does so in a way that nothing else does.
I have divided the Standard into a few categories. Naturally, I encourage the reader to click all the links in every category, but I recognize we all have interests that we gravitate towards. The time frame for this Standard is Oct 8th to the 22nd. With that, I give you the Standard.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, than Nicholas at Quotulatiousness has written an essay on Algonquin Park.
Dirtcrashr at Anthroblogogy is taking advice on cargo pants!
Chris Taylor has published some photos from a previous trip to the Royal Canadian Regiment Museum. My favourite is number 17 :-)
There was plenty of commentary this week being offered up by Brigade members over the allegations that Peter Mackay referred to his ex-girlfriend (and current Member of Parliament) Belinda Stronach as a dog.
Steve Janke posted about it.
Andrew Anderson of Bound by Gravity offers his thoughts.
Canadianna has a few words to say about the situation.
John Murney's post elicited a variety of comments from both sides of the aisle.
The Raging Ranter offers some thoughts along with a criticism of CTV.
The High Places takes the Globe and Mail to task for their coverage of the allegations.
And the Phantom Observer shares his thoughts as well.
Bound by Gravity also has a nice round-up of reactions to Garth Turner's expulsion from the Conservative Party caucus.
Canadianna has a thorough post on Turner.
Stephen Taylor praises Turner for his involvement in the online community.
Scott at Conservative Canadienne has a post up about conservatives of convenience in Alberta.
The Clean Air Act is a hot topic for Stephen Taylor as well.
Canadian Stuff
Recently the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, discussed the relationship between Britain and Canada. This prompted Tweedsmuir at the Monarchist to remind us of our history.
Rob Huck posts about basic needs with regards to aboriginal education in Manitoba
Debating dual citizenship over at John Murney's blog.
The High Places is in favour of "Three Strikes" legislation for dangerous offenders.
Lisa reminds us that the silliness continues at the Six Nations reserve in Caledonia, Ontario.
Scarborough: the next tourist hotspot! Who knew? The Phantom Observer knows!
Global Stuff
The Denizens over at ARGGHHH! have been discussing the apparent culture war going on in France. John also has a post up entitled A Doom and Gloom Moment which is certainly worth a look.
Enter Stage Right sure isn't happy about a recent Boston school banning such violent contact activities like tag.
Customer Service: The American Way! brought to you by Grandinite.
Jason Hayes speculates on the outcome of the upcoming midterm elections in the US, it is cause for despair and cause for evaluation. As well, a French geophysicist has a change of heart on global warming.
Lisa at the London Fog tears Bono a new one and calls out some apparent hypocrisy.
Ed the Robot Guy has created a really cool video using imagery from the Mars Orbiter.
Steve Janke deserves a pat on the back for having his blogging recognized in print.
Chriscam expresses concern over a piece written by Mark Steyn in the NY Post.
Where cows are called "kews"... at Just Between Us Girls!
Nicholas reminds us how addictive online gaming can be.
The Raging Kraut gets himself a Flying Dutchman!
Poor Ed's been having template problems lately (anyone using blogger can certainly empathize). Any tech guys and girls out there who can give him a hand?
Chris Taylor has been swamped this week, but with the help of bullet time, he still manages to post his thoughts on a variety of subjects.
The Conservative Hipster offers some rainy day musings.
And of course, The Red Ensign Brigade is happy to hear Ontario's Premier has no intention of changing the provincial flag, which is a classic red ensign design.
This concludes the 45th edition of the Red Ensign Standard. If you would like to become a member of the Red Ensign Brigade, feel free to drop me an email at beastnines -at- hotmail -dot- com (replace the -at- with and @ and the -dot- with a . ). I can forward your application to the proper authorities, and after a rigorous training session (heh), you may be included in our group!
The following folks did not update their blogs in the Oct 8-22 time period and are not included in the main links section of the Standard: A Chick Named Marzi Absinthe & Cookies Canadian Comment Italics Mine Jesse Gritter John the Mad Ravishing Light Rhetoricking With Myself Rightjab Shiny Happy Gulag Ben Skeets Striving Against Opposition The Meatriarchy Toronto Tory