Darcey has proclaimed March 24th as Liberalism is a Mental Disorder Day.
His idea is come up with as many bizarre news stories involving liberals and their ilk. They don't even have to be true! I've added my two cents, but there are so many real and honest examples of liberal insanity, that one doesn't have to invent anything. In that vein, I present to you a story of ultimate social-liberal
bullshit optimism:
UN Security Council unanimously approves new sanctions against Iran
The UN Security Council voted unanimously Saturday to impose moderately tougher sanctions against Iran for its refusal to stop enriching uranium.
The sanctions — intended to show Tehran defiance will leave it increasingly isolated — include banning Iranian arms exports and freezing the assets of 28 people and organizations involved in Iran’s nuclear and missile programs.
"Moderately tougher sanctions". Wouldn't want to offend anyone, would we? If this isn't a prime example of cognitive dissonance, then I don't know what is. You can probably guess what the Iranian response is. They are going to shut down all their uranium enrichment facilities, cease encouraging acts of terrorism, recognize Israel as a nation, and allow religious and personal freedom for every man, woman, and child Iran.
And if you believe that, then you are clearly suffering from a mental disorder as well.
Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki rejected the sanctions and said Iran has no intention of suspending its enrichment program.
“The world must know — and it does — that even the harshest political and economic sanctions or other threats are far too weak to coerce the Iranian nation to retreat from their legal and legitimate demands,” Mottaki told the Security Council after the vote.
“Suspension is neither an option nor a solution.”
Awesome! Weeks of bureaucratic posturing and self-congratulatory flagellation and what do we have? A Big Bucket of Liberal Piss!
“It’s a significant international rebuke to Iran and it’s a significant tightening of international pressure on Iran,” (R. Nicholas Burns, U.S. undersecretary for political affairs) said.
“We do believe it’s going to leave Iran even more isolated than it has been.”
Does anyone with seven synapses firing really believe this "international time-out" is going to have any effect on Iran's position? In case you didn't quite understand, lets review Iran's response to these sanctions:
Iran responded by expanding enrichment and has insisted the sanctions will only motivate it further to pursue nuclear power.
I know, I know, I know! Shocking!
The new sanctions — already a compromise between the stronger measures favoured by the United States and the Western Europeans and the softer approach advocated by Russian and China — are considered modest. The ban on exports is among the harshest measures but many of Iran’s arms sales may not be affected because they are illicitly sent to militant groups like Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Shiite Muslim militias in Iraq.
Colour me shocked. Actually, you know what? Don't colour me anything except utterly bemused by this brainless turn of events. The moderate sanctions are nothing more than smokescreens and mirrors designed to make it appear as though the UN and their liberal do-gooder supporters are accomplishing anything other than wasting time, money, and precious oxygen.