Sunday, July 11, 2004

This really does give Baptists a bad rep...

HAVANA - Wearing T-shirts calling for "Regime Change in the US – Not in Cuba," members of a U.S. humanitarian group defied U.S. travel restrictions and entered Cuba Saturday to deliver tonnes of desperately needed supplies.

A radical left-wing activist group? A communist-sympathizer? A Michael Moore wannabe?
Heck no, it's those Christians again!

Travelling via Mexico, U.S. members of Pastors for Peace chose to ignore tough new restrictions that limit travel to the Communist-run country knowing they might face prosecution or jail time upon their return home.

Well isn't that wonderful! Now Fidel can carry on living in his palace, watching his slaves work away in the sugar cane fields, knowing that they have had their fill of food and medicine. Those awesome Christians and their wonderful charity! Fidel must be so happy!

That threat did not seem to bother the group's leader, Baptist minister Lucius Walker, who called for an end to the 40-year U.S. embargo against Cuba.
"We know in our hearts and in our heads … that the blockade is immoral, is illegal, is illogical and is unjust," he said.

Now you listen to me, you pathetic excuse for a Baptist, and you listen up good. The immoral, illegal, and unjust thing in Cuba is the fact that a dumbass dictator is ruling the country. his "socialist workers paradise" is no more a paradise than the gulags of Siberia were in the USSR. It is YOUR actions that are illogical. YOU ARE HELPING A DICTATOR!!!!!!! I know you are trying to do good. I know you feel as though you are helping, but you are not! The problem is with the regime in Cuba. How you could even work with someone who says the "regime" in the US needs changing is beyond me. The last time I checked, they were democratic and free (not to mentions leaders in nearly every field of science, engineering, technology, etc etc etc). Your handouts are only making the people even more dependant. If you really want to help them, educate them about the horrors of socialism and help them to change their government.

*sigh* Would someone please remind me of why I am a Christian? It's guys like this (whose hearts are in the right place, but whose heads are on another planet) who screw everything up for the rest of us.