Saturday, July 10, 2004

Oh those weddings!

So, I did the whole wedding thing today. It was quite something.

Anyways, the dance tonight was kinda fun. I went in half-goosed... which made it even more interesting HEHEHE! I also danced... which was a unique experience... but hey, when a really pretty girl asks you to dance, you don't say no! I was happy to see half a bottle of wine at my table tonight. I suppose it was a remnant from the dinner that I didnt get invited to :-) The wine was certainly tasty... let me tell you (although it wasnt really in my mouth long enough to taste muahah!). So, here I sit, and the Local Zone internet cafe... half-savaged and ready to play some Battlefield:Vietnam. I'll probably play like shunt, but oh well, it'll be fun.

I promise that in the future I'll post most interesting things than random half-sallied comments.
Pie, you need to post more. heh.