Saturday, August 21, 2004

Preaching to the Choir

Holy Crap Sabi, you took the words right out of my mouth!

It's no news that my parents have never got along. And seriously, there's a limit to what I can take. I'm not a goddamn counselor. Nor am I your best friend. So stop bitching about each other to me. I can only solve your issues to an extent, beyond which it is entirely your affair. And I've come to this point where I am encouraging both of them to finally get a divorce. Apparently they dont want to get a divorce because it would have a negative impact on us. Right, and this is fucking sane, isnt it? Dysfunctional to the core.

Now, my parents don't really bitch to me about each other, and for the last couple of months things have been really chill... but there have been times when I've wished they would just split up and be done with it. I actually thought they'd be happier going their own ways (not to mention my brother and I wouldn't have had to go through so much shunt growing up). When things are good, they are really good, but when things are bad... well... it sucks to be around them. Sabi uses the term dysfunctional... well, my family puts the FUN in dysFUNctional (or should I say, the "D-UH in d-uhsfunctional")!
Alright, enough talk about my parents. I love 'em... really I do.