Sunday, June 20, 2004

Mock Ree, Mock Ree... where are you Mock Ree?

Today my Pastor preached the same sermon as he did last Father's day. I didn't really pay much attention last year, and I sorta tuned out this year after I realized it was the same. I understand that the guy is stinkin' busy, and many people who are in the church now were not around last year, but come on, dude!

After church, I hung out with my brother's family. They had a father's day suare (hehehe... suare) and it was a lot of fun. I got my brother wet with a small bucket of water, and he was pissed off, but I don't feel bad about it because he was getting everyone else and was plotting strategy to soak me. He'll get over it.

Now I'm heading out to a BBQ (yeah yeah yeah BBQ) with a whole schwack of friends. The hosts are from Ontario, and are house-sitting for another couple of weeks until they head back home. They are really cool, and I find hanging out with them especially interesting. With them, there is really no need to put on a show, or pretend to be something I'm not. I value that quality quite a lot in people, and certainly in those I consider friends. It will be sad when they return home. On of them has already moved to Taiwan. I've linked to her blog before, but I'll do it again. Be sure to visit the Asylum, and vote for the motorcycle!

I'm not sure if I'll get to post again tonight, but hopefully Mock Ree will make an appearance.