London Calling
I'm back safe and sound from my little escapade down south. My car handles like a dream, and it's got some spirit too. Made the 12 hour drive from Chilliwack to Smithers a little more bareable. The biggest highlight of my drive was when I hit Boston Bar (nestled in between Cache Creek and Hope), and passed a house just off the highway that had a Red Ensign flying in the front yard. Had I not been in such a hurry to return to Smithers (dear lord I never thought I'd ever hear myself say that...), I probably would have knocked on the door and said hello. You don't see a lot of Red Ensigns in front yards. A shame, really.
As well, there was construction all over the place, including at Spence's Bridge (see above link). It appeared as though they were re-decking the bridge. Or at least, the south-bound half. I had forgotten that section of HWY 1 is full of twists and turns, not to mention the sweet tunnels. An interesting drive, though cruise control is an absolutely useless option on that section of the road.
Lost in all my travels and such was my knowledge of the London terrorist attacks. Much has been said by better bloggers than I, so there isn't much I can add. But I will say this: England will not back down.
And Canada needs to show it's support with more than mere words.
7/7 Never Forget.
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