The United Nations proves it's usefulness
UNITED NATIONS - Israel vowed Wednesday to continue building its barrier across the West Bank, despite a United Nations resolution demanding that it comply with a recent World Court ruling recommending that the barrier be torn down.
Curse those big bad Israeli's for trying to protect themselves! How DARE they???
A senior adviser to the Israeli prime minister said that despite the vote, Israel would continue building the 640-kilometre system of walls, fences and ditches because it is already carrying out its goal of diminishing the number of Palestinian attacks against Israeli citizens. "When all is said and done, it is simply outrageous to respond with such vigour to a measure that saves lives, and respond with such casual indifference and apathy to the ongoing campaign of Palestinian terrorism that takes lives," said Dan Gillerman, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.
Testify, Preacher! Oh wait... you're Jewish. Nonetheless, the guy makes a lot of sense.
The General Assembly voted 150-6 in support of the resolution.
Imagine that. The UN doesn't give a shunt about Israel.
The United States, Australia and Israel were among the six countries opposed to the resolution,
Imagine that...
which was drafted by the Palestinians
Imagine that... the Palestinians drafting a bill to jeopardize Israeli security!?!? Will wonders never cease!
and sponsored by the European Union.
There were 10 abstentions, including Canada's.
*sigh* Imagine that. Actually, it isn't hard to imagine. We've turned into a nation of sissys and lamers. I guess an abstention is better than a vote for this stupid resolution, but not by much.
"Thank God that the fate of Israel and of the Jewish people is not decided in this hall," said Gillerman after the vote. "This resolution cannot but embolden those who are the true enemies of the Israeli and Palestinian people."
Yes indeed.
The vote, like the ruling of the International Court of Justice, is not legally binding but is considered to have symbolic value.
I've got a couple of symbols I'd like to show the Terrorist-loving rectal probes at the UN who voted for this piece of trash resolution. The symbol of my middle finger... the symbol of a heaping pile of dung outside their doorstep... the symbol of my foot up their asses...
On July 9, the world court ruled 14-1 that Israel's West Bank barrier should be torn down because it violates international laws and infringes on the rights of Palestinians.
It infringes on the rights of those who wish to blow themselves up in Jewish markets and on Jewish buses. Well isn't that just too freakin' bad.
The panel also recommended that Israel compensate individual Palestinians whose land was seized and homes and businesses that were destroyed during the construction of the barrier network
But of course, there should be no compensation to the families of those whose loved ones were torn to bits by suicide bombers. That would be going too far.
Curse the UN!
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