Tuesday, July 20, 2004

What does this God fellow want, anyways?

This is a follow-up to Asylum's last comment, from a few posts back...

I think that God gives us infinite choices in life. One of the biggest problems in my life has been my ability (or willingness) to make a decision in my life and implement it. Many Christians see life in terms of a car on a road. The is one path we are to take, and if we stray from that path, we are outside of God's will (or at the very least, not doing exactly what God desires us to do). I have come to think more in terms of an archer shooting an arrow. Rather than one specific target, we have a multitude of targets to aim at. The idea is to aim and shoot and do what is necessary to see that arrow hit the target. If your target is not what God wants, He will direct it where He chooses. The most important thing, however, is to make a decision and shoot.
Since I have been so terrible at releasing the arrow in my life, I have floundered somewhat and ended up humming, hawing, and procrastinating a lot. I have come to the decision that I will go overseas in the future. It will happen. The arrow has been released and is on target. I have also decided that before I go, I will pay off my student loans. This will take some time, but it is another decision I have made (arrow released and remarkably on target). Some might say "God is preparing you/God has other plans and that's why you havent gone overseas yet". I cannot entirely concur with this notion. If I wanted to go overseas, I could make the choice and do it. In fact, in the three months I've worked at Apex, I've earned more than enough money to afford a plane ticket to Ulan Bator. Not to mention, I've got enough to live off of for several weeks before I'd need to come back (or find a job there!). In this case, it is all about my choice. God will be with me whether I am cleaning carpets in Smithers, or pounding nails in U.B. I know He will. It is all about choice. God wants us to make decent, intelligent decisions. He doesn't want us to flounder in apathy and consternation.
Some choices are better than others. I happen to think that choosing to clean carpets or go on a missions trip is a better option than choosing to sell drugs to minors, or choosing to remain stagnant. Which is why I get upset when I hear about people literally throwing away an opportunity to go overseas. In this case, it isn't about God saying "wait", it is about the person saying "I'm not going". Now I know that I'm extremely biased, but I think that's just really sad.

Asylum says something intersting:
IT'S ALL ABOUT GOD! Let's get back to the word not to what we derive from everyday living

I derive a lot from everyday living. In fact, it has been said that my view on marriage is due to the bitterness and jealousy built up over so many years of being single. My response to this is: "well, d-uuuuuuuuuuuuh!" Of course that's the reason, but I believe it is valid nonetheless. Someone (I think it was Charles Wesley, but I'm not sure) there are four factors that should influence the Christian: the Bible, the Holy Spirit, Reason, and Experience.
We live in the 21st century, many years removed from the authors of Scripture. We must look to experience to help us. It is not enough to simply say "let's follow the Word alone!". The trouble is, too many Christians look just to experience as their guide, and they end up REALLY REALLY WACKY! That is where Reason comes in.

Anyone can say "The Spirit is leading me into this or that", and unless we look to the Bible, Reason, and Experience, we cannot dispute such a claim.

Alright, it's time to play some Battlefield Vietnam. Enough talk about marriage and missions... I'm gonna go kill people!