Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Red Ensign Standard

Oh yeah, baby. The Standard has been raised!

This thing has turned into an absolute monster. Look at all the Red Ensign members on that list! Never one to back down from a challenge though, Chris (aka "the Dragon Slayer", the "Conquering Beast", the "I'm not gonna let 40+ blogs intimidate me!") of Striving against Opposition has done an exceptional job of hoisting the Standard. Thanks so much for your hard work, you noble, honourable sap!

Take the time to read it all, and click those links. It is totally worth it. There is something there for everybody.

Update 1:00pm- Thanks to Trudeaupia, I'm reminded that this is the fortieth anniversary of the Maple Leaf. I'm kind of neutral when it comes to our flag. It does not stir emotions in me as the stars 'n stripes does for many Americans. And that is too bad. Nonetheless, I am a patriot, and grew up with this flag as my national emblem. I respect the Maple Leaf, but I am also not ignorant of Canadian history. Whether Red or Blue, the Ensign is a vital part of that history.