Sunday, August 01, 2004

This guy's got it right

It was Stephen den Beste who said there are two types of bloggers: linkers, and thinkers. The linker is the one who scours the internet finding strange/neat/cool news stories that the big media doesn't necessarily cover. The thinker is the writer, offering thoughts on a wide variety of topics. Now of course, den Beste was being extremely general in his assessment of the blogosphere; not every blog fits into one category or the other. But his idea is essentially correct. I've perused hundreds of blogs over the last two years or so, and for the most part the blogger behind the page is either a linker, or a thinker.

This blog began in order to save my friends from an over-crowded inbox. I found that there was just so much cool stuff out there, and I wanted everyone else to see/read it. So I'd email a few of my college friends with links to articles I'd found on the web. What eventually ended up happening, was that four or five of my friends would get an email, and we'd be talking about it over dinner or late a night, and it sparked interest in other people we knew. I'd end up emailling the same article to more people, and more... and still more...
Eventually it got to the point where I'd be sending people stuff... lots of stuff (can I get some brothers to testify???). I keep a tight leash on my email inbox. I hate getting forwards and email chain letters, and all the rest of that stuff. It dawned on me that maybe I was doing to people exactly what I hated: filling their inbox with stuff they'll never get around to even looking at. That is primarily why I started blogging: all the cool stuff I read on the web can be put in one place and is easily accessible by all.
But there is another side to the Drizwald. Oh yes, another side indeed! A side that is bursting at the seams... a side that needs to write! Often I read sites like the Rottweiler and Dipnut and think "Dang, why couldn't I write like that???" Or I 'll read one of Whittle's inspiring essay's and think "I need to write down my feelings, and get them out there".
Sarin, of Cranston, Rhode Island, writes on his blog:

I just wanted that if people were here and thinking about me, that they wouldn't just look at my site and think I am all just parties and girls. The fact that you are reading this sort of redeems myself. There are so many sides of me as a person that I just want everyone to see. Pictures can only say so much, so I felt I was so much more than that.

Now, this blog hasn't really been about parties and girls (okay... maybe it has a little!), but his sentiments ring true for me as well. I really like surfing the web and checking out new stuff (Lord knows there are some great new blogs out there just waiting to be read). But I've gotta mix things up a bit. I'm not talking about more Cursed Marriage Essays or anything like that, but I am going to hopefully write a bit more.

So, that's that. For now, I'll just bide my time :-)