Sunday, October 03, 2004

More Dead Terrorists.... it's been a good weekend.

This seems like good news:

JEBALIYA REFUGEE CAMP, GAZA STRIP - The Islamic Jihad group claims that an Israeli air strike killed two of its members near the Jebaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza on Sunday.

And before anyone goes off on how those big, bad Israeli's are killing innocent Palestinian "resistance" fighters...

This latest fighting started Wednesday after a rocket launched by the Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement killed two Israeli preschoolers.

The people who commit atrocities like that aren't "resistance" fighters, they are piece-of-shunt terrorists, plain and simple.

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has called the Israeli offensive a "monstrous, criminal inhumane attack" on his people and the Palestinian cabinet has called for international intervention and humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza.

But of course, killing preschoolers isn't monstrous, criminal, or inhumane. After all, the preschoolers were only Jews.
I wish Arafat would receive a package, long-distance, via the Israeli Defence Force.

As proof of insurgency activity, Israeli government officials in Britain have released pictures taken from surveillance aircrafts. They apparently show Palestinians loading rockets into a United Nations-marked vehicle in the Gaza Strip.

The UN says it is investigating the report.

"investigating the report". Don't make me laugh.

In a first-ever news conference, members of the secretive Hamas military wing, Izzedine al Qassam, showed off their arsenal of weapons inside a mosque in Jebaliya on Saturday.
Four Hamas gunmen wearing black masks displayed assault rifles, grenades, rocket-propelled grenade launchers and homemade anti-tank missiles.

That can't be right... after all, the peaceful Islamonazi's would NEVER use a holy sanctuary to store weapons.

Can somebody explain to me why religious sites such as these aren't levelled to the ground? It is obvious to anyone with half a wit of intellect that Hamas is taking advantage of this situation. Why doesn't an undercover agent light a firework in the foyer of the mosque? By the sounds of things, that would be enough to light the rest of the ammunition!
The terrorists have no excuse.