Friday, September 03, 2004

Another Pei Post

My thanks to Temujin for being his usual blogginger self while I was gone. Actually...I'm still gone. I am visiting some family in Victoria, and have been here for a week, so that's why I haven't been posting. My apologies.

But now I'm back, and I'm slightly begrudged (so what else is new, eh?). My greatest concern right now is with the CBA negotiations, which, as Temujin has informed you, have hit a wall...the same wall they've been hitting for the last year-and-a-half. This is a difficult one; as a fan, it is hard to decide who's side I should be on. For the welfare of the league, it would make sense to support a system that would ensure cost certainty. The NHL wants to impliment a salary cap to this end, but they have often acknowledged their willigness to go in other directions, if need be. The only problem is, the friggin' NHLPA hasn't even put forth a friggin' proposal in 15 friggin' months. Apparently, the union may be coming forth with something at their next meeting, but who knows? It's all just rhetoric. I tend to believe Daly (from the NHL head office) that the NHLPA is just trying to stall in order to ensure a lockout. A lockout, by the way, would work to the player's advantage, because they have less to lose. They are already millionnaires, and they don't mind waiting up to a year or more until something works in their favour. The league, on the other hand, can't afford an extended lockout. Such a scenario would have devastating effects on the welfare of the league. The funny thing is, the league would actually be saving money by not having a season this year. That's how flawed the current agreement is. That's why it needs to change. So in that sense, I am on the league's side.

Well, that's all for now, folks.